What is it that drives someone to want to be in healthcare? Is it the humanity, knowing you are contributing to a family having more knowledge in their loved one’s health issues? Could it be the money? Markets show an industry increase of over 800 billion for 2021. With so much growth, this must mean you can make a lot of money, right?
Whether your reasons are purely altruistic or not, we all share one thing in common. WE DO IT!
For me, healthcare has been a passion of mine since I was 18, when my father passed away from pancreatic cancer. During his treatment, I remember the feeling of complete helplessness. I can recall thinking to myself, what can I do to make a difference. It took some years, but I found my spot in healthcare.
My first venture into healthcare was as a Field Service Engineer (FSE), repairing medical equipment all over the US. My new venture provides a solution to hospitals. This enables hospitals to maintain the same level of care while their CT is being repaired or replaced. In some cases, it offers a hospital an inexpensive alternative to building a new hospital suite. At the end of the day, I know I am doing what I was intended to do, help patients obtain answers.