5 Strategic Methods To Deal With Hospital Budget Cuts Without Downsizing Services

5 Strategic Methods To Deal With Hospital Budget Cuts Without Downsizing Services

When the economy is booming, hospitals and healthcare organizations can struggle to meet demand. But when times are tight, it’s even more difficult to keep up with rising costs—especially when trying to minimize your facility’s downsizing efforts. 


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5 Strategic Methods To Deal With Hospital Budget Cuts Without Downsizing Services

Many facilities are forced to make cuts to remain profitable and competitive. However, that doesn’t mean there aren’t ways you can save money without sacrificing services or causing harm to your patient’s well-being. Here are five strategies for dealing with budget cuts without downsizing services.


Revise current budget allocations

You should start by looking at where you’re spending your money. Are there certain areas that are getting more funds than they should? Is there an area that has seen a decline in funds but is still as important as before?


Looking at previous years’ budgets alongside the current proposed budget can determine the best financial decision. For example, suppose last year there were only two nurses for the entire hospital, and now this year, there are four nurses for the same number of patients. In that case, one thing is clear: Your allocation has shifted from paying for employee salaries to other items like rent or utilities.


Obviously, cutting back on employee salaries would not be ideal. However, what matters most is making sure services remain available—with fewer staff members available at any given time during peak hours when demand is highest, and resources are scarce.


Negotiate with vendors

Your hospital could benefit from a deeper look at the prices of its most common purchases and services. Negotiating can lead to discounts, incentives, and other perks to help keep your budget in check.


If you’re spending too much on medical supplies, consider switching to alternative suppliers offering lower prices on similar products or services.


There’s no reason to pay for manual processes like filing or copying documents in the digital age. Consider investing in software that automates these tasks, saving you both time and money while reducing the likelihood of human error.


Audit resources and software

In the first step, you should audit your software and IT infrastructure. It’s important to know what kind of technology is available to help maximize your hospital’s efficiency.


That also means that you should audit medical equipment and supplies. It may be time for replacement purchases if anything is out of date or nearing its expiration date.


Thirdly, it’s important to audit personnel. An employee who has been with the company for years may be better suited for a different task than one who just started two months ago. Evaluating each person’s abilities can ensure that everyone is put into roles where they can excel. 


Finally, space must be analyzed as well—areas such as beds and rooms need regular cleaning because germs spread quickly in hospitals! Ensuring that all of these things are up-to-date will help keep costs down while still providing excellent care for patients


Coordinate with other facilities

Many hospitals have multiple locations; some even serve as a region’s primary care provider. Take advantage of this if you’re an administrator responsible for more than one facility. 


By coordinating between these locations, you can easily eliminate duplicate services and use resources more efficiently. For example, share staff members or equipment between facilities when possible.


You may also outsource some services to other providers or vendors who specialize in those areas of expertise. You don’t have to handle every department from top to bottom (and pay for it). 


When choosing how much work to keep internal versus outsourcing or farming out entirely (which comes with its own set of risks), consider which skill sets are most critical for success at your organization. Then focus on those areas before considering additional outsourcing options like hiring contractors or freelancers over full-time employees if necessary.


Rent out equipment that you don’t often use

It’s a great way to make extra cash and get more out of the items. If you have any spare machines or tools, you can start renting them out to other hospitals. That will help your hospital earn money while also giving other hospitals access to better equipment than they might be able to afford.


There are many different types of equipment that can be rented out, but some examples include the following:


  • MRI machines
  • CT scanners
  • Operating room tables (OR)



With the right strategies in place, you can keep your hospital operating at capacity while saving money. There are plenty of ways to approach budget cuts and make them work for your facility. The key is being proactive and thinking outside the box!



If you’re looking for a mobile medical imaging solution that will help you feel supported and give you confidence in your diagnosis and treatment—then Catalina Imaging is here for you! For more information, contact us today at info@catalinaimaging.com or call us at (844) 949-1664!

Overweight Patients & CT Scans: Things To Consider

Overweight Patients & CT Scans: Things To Consider

As a medical practitioner, you know that education is important to help patients create the best health outcome. However, you also know that the implications of possible deficiencies in knowledge can have detrimental effects on your facility. 


We use state-of-the-art Siemens, GE, and Toshiba/Canon technology to provide you with the highest-quality solutions. Contact us today at info@catalinaimaging.com or call us at (844) 949-1664!



Overweight Patients & CT Scans: Things To Consider

“Obesity impacts medical imaging. The increases in weight and girth of the patient population are testing the current limits of imaging equipment. With the increasing prevalence of overweight and obese populations, more patients are encountering difficulties in obtaining diagnostic-quality images.”

Source: Impact of Obesity on Medical Imaging


So if a patient insists on being scanned with a full body CT, what advice would you give them? Here are some things to share with overweight patients.


Are CT scans safe for heavy patients?

Patients above their ideal weight may wonder if this imaging procedure is safe for them. You can give them a definite yes!


CT scans are considered one of the safest medical imaging tests available today. They help doctors diagnose tumors and other abnormalities in the body more accurately and quickly than different types of imaging tests like X-ray or MRI.


Most doctors may not always recommend having a full body scan because of how long they take and how much radiation they use up (which can accumulate over time). But they will allow their patients who weigh over 200 pounds to get one if necessary without hesitation.


How to know the weight limit of a CT Scanner?

The weight limit of a CT scanner is based on the patient’s weight. How much does it weigh? 


Well, that depends on the size of your machine and how big your patient is. Typically between 300 and 400 pounds (136 to 181kg), this number can vary greatly depending on your device and even your model.


For example, larger models may have higher weight limits than smaller ones because they hold more people at once while accommodating more heavy patients. But there are still plenty of smaller scanners with lower maximum capacities than others! 


And if all else fails, remember no matter what kind or size CT scan you need to perform today, experts trained in handling such situations should be done today. Be wary of seedy places with unscrupulous practices!


Does body mass index matter when it comes to CT scans?

A body mass index (BMI) is a measure of body fat based on height and weight. It is used to screen for weight categories that may lead to health problems, such as being underweight or overweight.


The more fat and muscle your patients have, the more radiation their body absorbs. So if they’re overweight or obese, that means more radiation for them and more for you to worry about.


If the patient is overweight (BMI>30), you may recommend that they get a lower dose of radiation during your CT scan than someone who is less heavy.


Are there any imaging alternatives that can be recommended?

If you have an overweight patient, there are a few things that you should consider before recommending a CT scan. First, it’s important to determine whether any alternative imaging methods can be recommended for the particular condition being studied.


You must also consider if the information obtained from a CT scan would be valuable to make a diagnosis. For example, if a chest X-ray or ultrasound is sufficient for you to get what you need to know, then you can request those tests instead.


Second, ask yourself why the doctor who requested it wants them to have this test done. It will help give you more clarity on whether it’s necessary. 


If there’s an emergency where time matters more than anything else (for example, if there’s suspicion of internal bleeding), then yes—it might be worth going for a CT scan even. 


However, it may mean exposing the patient to high radiation doses and may cause more harm if done repeatedly over long periods without breaks between sessions.


What are the risks of missing out on CT Scans for heavy patients?

In some cases, CT scans are the best way to diagnose certain conditions. These include cancer, tumors, blood clots, and infections like pneumonia.


They can also detect fractures of bones and blood clots in the brain. A CT scan is also used to look for blood clots in the lungs if the patient has a heart attack or stroke.


Weight Limits and CT Scans: Extra Considerations for Obese Patients

In conclusion, the main goal in heavy imaging patients is to minimize the risks associated with the procedure. Thus, knowing their weight and BMI (body mass index) is important before undergoing any X-ray or CT scan. Most of all, make sure that they clearly understand with their doctors and radiologists how they will handle any potential injuries that might occur due to this test. 



The next time you need a mobile scanner, contact Catalina Imaging at info@catalinaimaging.com or call us at (844) 949-1664. We’ll help you find the perfect solution for your imaging needs!